Episode 112 — Running RPGs with Kids

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Roll For Topic
Episode 112 — Running RPGs with Kids

What do you need to know to run tabletop RPGs with kids? Guest GMs Liz Decker and Tim Saucer bring their experience organizing games for kids to a special roundtable discussion. Liz runs an RPG club at a local high school, and Tim incorporates RPGs into a summer camp for kids. Both have a lot of insight into running great games with and for kids!

Episode 111 – What Role Does Nostalgia Play in Your Games?

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Roll For Topic
Episode 111 - What Role Does Nostalgia Play in Your Games?

Does nostalgia for your youth, and the games you played as a kid, play an active role in the games you play today? And it’s impossible to talk about D&D nostalgia without taking note of the upcoming D&D movie. Listen as they share their hopes and dreams (or lack thereof) for Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

Episode 110 — How Do You Adjust the Tone at Your Gaming Table?

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Roll For Topic
Episode 110 — How Do You Adjust the Tone at Your Gaming Table?

How do you fine-tune the tone–whether it’s grim, comedic, or something else–at your gaming table? Chris and Andy talk about this, but not before they muse on the challenge of running murder mysteries in the TTRPG medium, among other things.

Episode 109 — How Do You Incorporate PCs’ Family and Loved Ones?

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Roll For Topic
Episode 109 — How Do You Incorporate PCs' Family and Loved Ones?

Family, friends, and loved ones of PCs, when they appear at all, often serve primarily as victims whose plight motivates the PCs. Are there more and better ways to make the PCs’ loved ones a part of the game? Andy and Chris discuss!

Episode 108 — Dealing with GM Distraction

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Roll For Topic
Episode 108 — Dealing with GM Distraction

Have you ever struggled to stay focused on the campaign you’re running because you’re distracted by all the shiny new games on your bookshelf that you’d also like to be running? Andy and Chris talk about the challenge of avoiding “shiny object syndrome.”

Episode 107 — What Do You Do When Your Players Get Stuck?

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Roll For Topic
Episode 107 — What Do You Do When Your Players Get Stuck?

Andy and Chris go back to their Roll For Topic roots and roll on the old Table of Topics for this one! They (briefly) discuss the OGL and D&D and what it all means to them before diving into just what in the world a GM should do when their players have no idea what to do next.

Episode 106 — Old Year Reflections, New Year Ambitions (with Matt Wilson)

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Roll For Topic
Episode 106 — Old Year Reflections, New Year Ambitions (with Matt Wilson)

Chris is temporarily out for this episode, which means that there’s nobody to stop Andy and guest GM Matt Wilson from venturing down all kinds of historical tangents! Join us as we try to keep our enthusiasm for the Late Antique period in check, and reflect on the GMing lessons we learned in 2022 and the games we want to run in 2023.

Episode 105 — Actual Play: Snake Oil’s Last Score

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Roll For Topic
Episode 105 — Actual Play: Snake Oil's Last Score

In the last episode, we planned a Wild West adventure and “dungeon.” Now, we force a gang of hapless players through it! Guest players John, Ben, Toby, and Brandon team up to take on the sinister Snake Oil Kid and his gang. Will things go smoothly and according to plan? Or will they veer wildly off the rails? What does your heart tell you?

Check out the wanted posters for the adventure as put together by Kyle Latino!

Episode 104 – Build a Dungeon 2022!

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Roll For Topic
Episode 104 - Build a Dungeon 2022!

It’s the holidays which means it’s the return of Roll For Topic’s traditional Build-a-Dungeon/Play-a-Dungeon! This episode we design a “dungeon” with our pals, Kyle and John, from The Splatbook.

Next episode we’ll run what we came up with as an actual play. You can listen to these episodes in whatever order you’d like. Happy holidays!

Episode 103 – Design an encumbrance system that even encumbrance haters will want to use

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Roll For Topic
Episode 103 - Design an encumbrance system that even encumbrance haters will want to use

This week Andy and Chris are joined by Toby to talk about encumbrance systems. Listen as they slowly convince themselves that encumbrance isn’t all bad.

This topic was added by listener, Wulf Mungus. Thanks, Wulf!