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We’ve all been there. It’s game night and over the course of the day everyone is cancelling until you only have 1 or 2 players. Do you cancel? Do you play a board game instead?! Or do you embrace the smallness and see what happens?
Shel Kahn joined us this week to roll on the table and talk about running games for small groups! This was a fun conversation and we hope it brings you some inspiration during these times of social distancing:
- The Yellow King – Shel did some AMAZING artwork for this book in the Paris book. Check this out and tell me you don’t want to visit spooky Paris
- Portable City – where you can see everything Shel is up to.
- The Sorcerer’s Catalogue – Shel’s shop.
- Ryuutama – and the kickstarter.
- Dames Making Games – An organization that Shel works with. It’s “a space for queer and gender-marginalized people to create games freely.”